Facial Nerve ( VII ) Seventh Cranial Nerve
There are 12 cranial nerves in our body which are broadly classified as
motor (control movements) and sensory (sense pressure, touch, pain and
temperature). They are numbered from I to XII using Roman numerals. The anatomy
of the facial nerve is very complex. Originating from the brain stem, the VIIth
cranial nerve (Facial nerve) enters the bone of the ear (temporal bone) through
a small bony tube (the internal auditory canal) which has very close association
with the hearing and balance nerves. Along its inch-and-a-half course through a
small canal (Fallopian canal) within the temporal bone, the facial nerve winds
around the three middle ear bones, behind the eardrum, and then through the
mastoid (the bony area of the skull behind the ear that is palpable), passes
through the stylomastoid foramen near the mastoid process and enters the parotid
gland (major salivary gland in the cheek). Here it divides into its main
branches inside the parotid gland. These branches then further divide into 8000
smaller nerve fibers that reach into the face, which supply the various facial
muscles, neck, salivary glands and the ear. It also controls the perceived sound
volume and our balance. They also stimulate secretions from the tear glands of
the eye and the salivary glands in the front of the mouth. Taste sensations from the anterior 2/3 of
the tongue (through the cordae
tympani) and nerve sensation to the muscle of the stirrup bone in the middle ear (the stapes) are
also carried by this nerve.
The face has many muscles, each with its own unique functions, most of which are controlled by
the Facial Nerve (VII cranial nerve). Information passing along the fibers of this nerve allows us to
laugh, cry, smile, or frown, hence the name: "the nerve of facial expression". Unlike other muscles,
the facial muscles insert directly into the skin of the face. Contraction of the muscles causes the
skin to move resulting in the different facial expression. Signals from the complex array of nerves
to the various muscles instruct the muscles to move in combinations as well as individually.
What is Bell's palsy?
Bell's palsy is a form of facial paralysis resulting from damage to
the VIIth (facial) cranial nerve. The condition is named for Sir Charles
Bell, a Scottish surgeon who studied the nerve and its innervations of the
facial muscles 200 years ago. Since the function of the facial nerve is so complex, many symptoms
may occur when the fibers of the facial nerve are disrupted. A disorder of the facial nerve may
result in twitching, weakness or paralysis of the face, dryness of the eye or the mouth,
in disturbance of taste etc.
Bell's Palsy temporarily prevents the nerve from transmitting
signals to the muscles,
causing weakness or paralysis. When half or one side of these individual nerve fibers are
interrupted, hemi-facial weakness occurs. If these nerve fibers are irritated, then movements of the
facial muscles appear as spasms or twitching.
The muscles that close the eyelid are controlled by VII nerve,
but the muscles that control other eye movements and the ability to focus
are not. There will be difficulty in closing the eyelids, but other functions
and movement of the eye is not affected. The sense of taste is affected,
but tongue motion is not. Skin sensation may be affected near the ear,
but sensation over the rest of the face usually remains normal. Chewing
and swallowing are usually not affected.
What are the causes for Bell’s palsy?
The specific cause of Bell's Palsy is unknown. It can strike almost anyone at any
age. A number of things can damage the facial cranial
nerve and lead to
Bell's palsy. Several systemic diseases can cause facial paralysis and are sometimes
misdiagnosed as Bell's palsy.
Most Bells Palsy are designated as
idiopathic (unknown), but
it is said to be caused by an inflammation within a small bony tube
called the fallopian canal, through which the nerve passes before exiting
from the stylomastoid foramen. The canal is an extremely narrow area, and
an inflammation within it is likely to exert pressure on the nerve. The
nerve has not yet divided into its several branches thus resulting in impairment
of all functions controlled by the VIIth nerve.
- Most Bells Palsy are designated as idiopathic, but the herpes
simplex virus (HSV-1) has been identified as the most frequent
cause of Bells palsy, accounting for at least 60 - 70% of cases. Exposure
to HSV-1 is common. A vast majority of the population has been exposed
to it during childhood. The active virus is commonly associated with cold
sores, but the virus often runs its course without causing any blisters
(blisters actually appear only 15% of the time). HSV-1 is only infectious
for a short period of time. It then enters a dormant state, residing on
nerve tissue. For most people, the virus remains dormant forever. However,
there are triggers that can cause the dormant virus to reactivate. When
this occurs the immune system begins to produce antibodies, causing an
inflammation. This is a normal body function, and is part of the process that
eliminates harmful foreign bodies such as viruses and bacteria so that
we can recover from illness and injury. The inflammation can be in an area when the nerve is in
the canal with no room
for swelling. The inflammation puts pressure on the
nerve, compressing it. Compression on the nerve is the injury that stops
transmission of signals to muscles, and causes the symptoms of weakened
or paralyzed facial muscles.
The triggers for reactivation of
the virus have not been proven conclusively.
However, decreased immunity, whether temporary (stress, lack of sleep,
minor illness, upper respiratory infection, etc.) or long-term (autoimmune
syndromes, chronic disease, etc.) is being strongly targeted as the most
likely trigger.
- The process that leads to Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (RHS)
is similar. The culprit is varicella zoster virus (VSV), the virus that
causes chicken pox. Like HSV-1, it remains in the body, residing on nerve
tissue in a dormant state on nerve ganglia after the initial infectious
stage has passed. The symptom that generally leads to a diagnosis of Ramsey
Hunt Syndrome is the appearance of blisters (shingles) in the ear, which
can be expected to last 2 - 5 weeks. Pain can continue after the blisters
have disappeared. The blisters may appear prior to, concurrent to, or after
the onset of facial paralysis. RHS can also affect the auditory nerve (VIII
Cranial nerve). Unlike reactivated HSV-1, shingles is contagious. Contact
with an open blister by someone who has never had chickenpox can result
in transmission of the virus. Herpes zoster has been confirmed
to be associated with suppressed immune systems.
- HIV can cause facial paralysis and increases
the chance of developing Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. In the early stage of HIV,
paralysis can be directly due to the viral infection. In later stages paralysis
is more likely to be associated with the opportunistic infections or tumors
associated with severe immune deficiency.
- Lyme disease can cause facial paralysis and the same
symptoms as Bells palsy. Bacteria enter the body through the skin at the
site of the tick bite. Typical early symptoms of Lyme disease are a red
ring around the site of the bite and flu-like symptoms. Unfortunately these
symptoms do not always appear. The symptoms will pass, but administration
of an antibiotic as early as possible is important to avoid serious problems
later. Without an antibiotic the bacteria can spread throughout the body,
causing arthritis, heart disease, and nervous system disorders such as
facial paralysis.
- Otitis Media. Bacteria from some acute or chronic
middle ear infections can invade the canal around the nerve through small
portals. As with viruses, the invasion can evoke an inflammatory response,
and compress the nerve.
- Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus, Kawasaki disease, multiple sclerosis,
sarcoidosis, parotitis and venereal diseases. The common
threads are viral and bacterial infections, as well as autoimmune disorders.
- Facial and surgical wounds, trauma due to a blunt force, temporal
bone fractures, brain stem injuries can result in facial palsy.
- Cysts and tumors of the maxillofacial region.
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid malfunctions.
- Lupus, Sjogrens syndrome and congenital defects can, infrequently, cause facial paralysis.
- It disproportionately attacks pregnant women.
- People who have influenza, cold, or some other upper respiratory ailment.
- In addition to these, there are many other factors that are currently
thought to trigger facial paralysis, or increase the risk. Among them are cold
breeze blowing on to the face.
What are the symptoms?
The 7th cranial nerve has both motor and sensory functions. Its motor
functions include shutting the eye, lifting the eyebrow, and supply the
muscles that move the mouth and lips. Its sensory functions include tasting
on the front of the tongue and dampening the level of the sound we hear.
So the symptoms of Bell's palsy include any abnormalities involving these
various muscles. Many people describe feeling a pain behind their ear or
near the jaw a few days before the other symptoms develop. The most common
symptom of Bell's palsy is weakness on one entire side of the face. A person
may not be able to close one eye, or they may have difficulty shutting
their eye completely. The forehead doesn't wrinkle when a person tries
to lift their eyebrow. The lower part of the face may droop down. Patients
aren't able to lift their mouths to smile or fill their cheeks with air.
They may drool from the mouth. Some people may feel a tingling or numbness
in the face. In addition to one-sided facial paralysis
with possible inability to close the eye, symptoms of Bell's palsy may
include pain, tearing, drooling, hypersensitivity to sound in the affected
ear, and impairment of taste.
One of the functions of the eyelid
is to protect the eye from injury,
and our eyes usually shut very quickly when something is likely to hit
or fly into them. Sometimes people with Bell's palsy get eye injuries as
a result of the eye not shutting completely in defense.
Sensory Functions may be affected.
Some people may not have any taste
on the front of their tongue. People may have an increased sensitivity
to sound in the ear on the affected side, and so things sound louder than
What are the problems associated with Bell’s palsy?
- Muscle weakness or paralysis
- Overall droopy appearance
- Forehead wrinkles disappear
- Lower eyelid droop
- Brow droop
- Nose runs or is constantly stuffed
- Difficulty in speaking
- Difficulty in eating and drinking
- Cannot blow or whistle
- Sensitivity to sound (hyperacusis)
- Excess or reduced salivation
- Sensitivity to light
- Facial swelling
- Diminished or impairment of taste
- Pain in or near the ear
- Drooling from the corners of the mouth
- Vertigo
- Blisters in ear or other areas
- Excessive tearing
- Eye closure difficult or impossible
- Lack of tears
- Tears fail to coat cornea
- Impossible or difficult to blink
- Eye irritation or itching
What is Residual Effects (Synkinesis)?
People recover at different rates, but generally the regeneration of
nerves will be complete in the three months after onset. If recovery is
delayed you may begin to notice movements in areas of the face that you
are not even trying to move, this is referred to as Residual Effects. Residual
effects can be present in cases where recovery from Bell's palsy is delayed
beyond the 3 months point. Generally, the longer the recovery takes beyond
the initial three months, the more severe the residual effects. For example,
when you smile the eye may close or twitch or when you close you eye the
corner of your mouth may pull up or out to the side. This condition is
known as synkinesis. It is characterized by uncoordinated or unsynchronized
facial movements that occur along with normal movements. Synkinesis varies
in severity from mild to severe. In its worst form it can result in uncontrollable
movement of the facial muscles on the affected side during any attempted
expression. The affected side of the face may feel tight as the result
of the uncontrolled muscle contractions (spasms).
Synkinesis is theorized to be the effect of abnormal nerve regeneration.
Some of the healing facial nerve fibers can actually implant themselves
into the wrong muscles. The facial nerve is like the telephone cable. Within that strand are between 6000-7000 different nerve
fibers that conduct the electrical signal from the brain to the facial
muscles causing them to contract. They are very delicate. Inflammation
from the Bell's palsy can harm, or "break" some of these very frail fibers.
In time the damaged fibers heal. They regenerate at the rate of about 1-2mm
per day. But there's no mechanism that directs these fibers back into their
original muscles. The brain sends the signal for the muscle to contract
thinking the nerve fiber is still connected to the original muscle, but
instead, the nerve may be lodged in an entirely different muscle.
Treatment for residual synkinesis can be effective at any time after
it is noticed. The focus of the treatment is on re-coordinating the various
muscles rather than stimulating them. We know that when synkinesis is present
the facial muscles are viable, or "alive". Even an abnormal movement is
still a movement. It is possible to restore more normal movement patterns
and expression with specific, appropriate training.
Some Facts about Bell's palsy
- It is an "equal opportunity" disease. The percentage of left
or right side cases is approximately equal, and remains equal for recurrences.
- The incidence of Bell's palsy in males and females, as well
as in the various races is also approximately equal.
- Older people are more likely to be afflicted, but children
are not immune to it. Children tend to recover well.
- Diabetics are more than 4 times more likely to develop Bells
Palsy than the general population.
- Conditions that compromise the immune system such as HIV increase
the odds of facial paralysis occurring and recurring.
- Bilateral Bell's palsy is rare, accounting for less than 1% of cases.
- The degree of paralysis should peak within several days of
onset, usually never longer than 2 weeks (3 weeks max for RHS).
- The nerve regenerates at a rate of approximately 1 millimeter per day.
- Approximately 50% of Bells Palsy patients will have essentially
complete recoveries in a short time. Another 35% will have good recoveries in less than a year.
- The nerve can continue to regenerate for 18 months, probably even
longer. Improvement of appearance can continue beyond that time frame.
- The possibility of recurrence had been thought to be as high as
10 - 20%. These figures have been lowered as more has been learned about
the types of facial paralysis that are now known to be other than Bell's
palsy. Estimates of the rate of recurrence still vary widely, from around 4 - 14%.
- The muscles that close the eyelid are controlled by VII nerve,
but the muscles that control other eye movements and the ability to focus
are not. There will be difficulty in closing the eyelids, but other functions
and movement of the eye is not affected. The sense of taste is affected,
but tongue motion is not. Skin sensation may be affected near the ear,
but sensation over the rest of the face usually remains normal. Chewing
and swallowing are not affected.
- Various viral infections (herpes, Lyme disease, mumps, tuberculosis,
HIV, etc), tumors, bony abnormalities, a skull fracture or any other trauma,
surgery, neurological dysfunction (diabetes), various neurological disorders
(Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, etc), micro-circulation problems,
etc can lead to facial palsy.
- Bell's palsy and Ramsey Hunt syndrome can be bilateral, but it's
rare. Mononucleosis, flu, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Leukemia, Lyme disease,
Sarcoidosis and Heerdfort's Syndrome can be potential triggers of bilateral palsy.
- Residual effects can be present in cases where recovery from Bell's
palsy is delayed beyond the 3 months point.
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